Heyward Ehrlich: A Poe Webliography, II

[1] Research: Library databases
[2] Guides: Directories, archives
[3] Poe sites: Poe etexts, data
[4] Searching: Search engines
[5] Journals: Poe serials
[6] Museums: Museums, houses
[7] Media: Music, film/tv, photos


There are many strategies for electronic Poe research. In a hurry? For a quick fact check, just Google Poe on your phone. [4]. Don't know what to ask? Browse Poe on search engines to review frequent query requests. [4] Don't know where to start? Try a wide angle view of Poe on Wikipedia [2]. Want to see what others are doing? Look into surveys of research on Google Scholar [3]. Have privileges at a research library and need to be sure you haven't missed anything before submtting for publication? Search the annuals of ALS American Literary Scholarship, the MLAIB Modern Language Association Internet Bibliography, and similar databases. [1]. Ready for the best collection of Poe texts and criticism online? Go directly to the web site of the Poe Society of Baltimore: eapoe.org [3].
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Poets.Org described the title poem of Elizabeth Bishop's improbably named posthumous collection, Edgar Allan Poe & the Juke-Box (Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 2006), as "an ambitious, complexly fragmented, speculative poem about cruising a Key West bar" <https://poets.org/text/elizabeth-bishops-new-poems>. IIn the poem Elizabeth Bishop (1911-79) had remarked: "Poe said that poetry was exact / But pleasures are mechanical / and know beforehand what they want ...." Whether or not Poe actually said such a thing, the unexpected collocation of Poe and a juke box takes us to the brink of the grand canyon -- where poetry and technology collide.

Speaking of which, to celebration its own plunge into the uncertain media future, The New York Times mocked its famous slogan, "All the News That's Fit to Print," with a typographically uninhibited yet historically-conscious parody in this house ad: "All the news that's fit to print. stream. archive. digitize. e-mail. broadcast. blog. feed. debate, click (November 7, 2007, F9 et passim).

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This second edition of "A Poe Webliography" (located at eapoe.info/poesites2.html) draws from "Electrifying Poe: Researching Edgar Allan Poe on the Web," in Poe, Writing: Writing Poe, eds. Richard Kopley and Jana Argersinger (New York: AMS Press, 2013). The first edition (1997-2019), based on an article in Poe Studies (1999), resided on the Rutgers Andromeda server and was updated until 2010 and frozen thereafter; it finally disappeared when the entire server closed down in 2019. This page responds to the narrower screens of phones/laptops. For a page of bare links, see the minimal list. Please send corrections and suggestions to ehrlich@rutgers.edu. Copyright © 2020 Heyward Ehrlich. Last revised: 17 September 2020.