Poe's reputation, like the internet itself, has always been international.
Despite the anglophone if not American orientation of the web, virtually
all languages and nations have Poe sites. To search for "Edgar Allan Poe"
on Google will produce about 250,000 hits. (No I haven't looked at them all!)
Google's "advanced search" permits the language to specified, revealing very
large numbers of hits particularly on German, Spanish, French, and Italian
sites. I estimate that about 50,000 or one-fifth of the Poe sites reported
by Google are outside the United States. Of course, national location and
language are not the same: Stefan Gmoser's
fine Austrian site, http://bau2.uibk.ac.at/sg/poe/poe.html, is in English, while
the francophone http://agora.qc.ca/mot.nsf/Dossiers/Edgar_Allan_Poe is at a Canadian
domain. Portuguese-language sites are likely to be in Brazil, while Spanish-langauge
pages may well be outside Spain.
Nevertheless it is useful to be aware of national domains: Austria (AT), Australia (AU),
Czechoslovakia (CZ), Canada (CA), Denmark (DK), Finland (FI), France (FR), Germany (DE),
Ireland (IE), Israel (IL), Hungary (HU), Italy (IT), Japan (JP), Netherlands (NL),
Poland (PL), Portuguese/Brazil, (BR), Russia (RU), Spain/Spanish (ES),
Sweden (SE), United Kingdom (UK). But keep in mind that quite a few "foreign" sites are
registered under the usually anglophone COM or ORG domains. Some Asian languages require
appropriate fonts: on the computer used for testing I was unable to read pages in either
traditional or simplified Chinese.
All web sites are inherently unstable, but international sites may be even more
mercurial than locally national ones. Perhaps half of the national sites listed in
the original "Poe Webliography" in 1999 are still functioning, but virtually none of
the original international sites are still responding. My method for this survey was
to specify Google searches in several languages and then to select, somewhat randomly,
a few sample sites from each national group. I inspected each site to make sure it was still
functioning and added some descriptive remarks, aware of my distinctly linguistically
challenged abilities. The number after each language heading, where available, is the number of
hits reported by Google. In the case of the anglophone domains AU, CA, IE, and UK, I was also
able to run domain searches on Google. These results are under "English."
I also did an unrestricted Google search and made a special
notation for any international site which turned up in the first hundred hits. This report
is available online at http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~ehrlich/poe.
Arabic (7)
Excellent general starting site, in English. http://bau2.uibk.ac.at/sg/poe/poe.html Czech (1390) The pit and the pendulum: Six works in Czech and English. http://www.oook.cz/poe/ List of works, including titles on Poe. http://literatura.kvalitne.cz/poe.htm "The Raven" in Czech and English. http://stelweb.asu.cas.cz/slechta-web/citaty/poe.html Danish (635) Beautiful XML-aware site. http://www.kalliope.org/ffront.cgi?fhandle=poe Danish bibliography on Poe, 1854-1995. http://www.bibliografi.dk/poe_edgar_allan.htm Works on Poe, 1854-1995. Dutch/Netherlands (855) The Humor of Edgar Allan Poe by David Tomilson. From Groningen, in English. [* Google Top 100 *] http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/E/poe_humor/poexx.htm The Romantic Period, 1820-1860 by Kathryn VanSpanckeren. From Groningen, in English. [* Google Top 100 *] http://grid.let.rug.nl/~usa/LIT/poe.htm . English (not US) Australia (1040) Poe Etexts to read or download. http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/aut/poe_edgar_allan.html Ireland (107) Books online: links to external sites. http://www.edunet.ie/links/authorp.html Canada (1940) Peter Forrest's House of Usher: One of the premier Poe web sites. http://www.comnet.ca/~forrest/ Bibliography: Poe books and criticism. http://www.watershedonline.ca/literature/Poe/poeBibliography.html Good encyclopedia article on Poe from a francophone point of view, including secondary works. http://agora.qc.ca/mot.nsf/Dossiers/Edgar_Allan_Poe United Kingdom (4520) Nice collection of book covers with links to booksellers. [* Google Top 100 *] http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Edgar_Allan_Poe.htm William Heath Robinson hand cut engravings (1900) to accompany Poe's poems. http://web.ukonline.co.uk/archer/poepoems.html Finnish (404) Biographical sketch in English with some bibliographical items in Finnish. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/eapoe.htm From Baudelaire and Benjamin to movie posters. http://www.phinnweb.com/links/cinema/cult/poe/ Poe, SF, and fantasy http://www.aikakone.org/arvostelut/k99kartat.htm French (6430) "House of Usher" site by Peter Forrest: French version of one of the premier Poe web sites.[* Google Top 100 *] http://www.comnet.ca/~forrest/francais/poe.html Histoires extraordinaires: Beautiful book sales site with reader forum. http://jeunesse.casterman.com/isbn/2-203-55359-6/?r=castducu German (12,800) Edgar Allan Poe in His Time: chronology plus works on line (in English). [* Google Top 100 *] http://www.heise.de/ix/raven/Literature/Authors/poe/life.html Must see Flash computer animation (worth the download time) with some pages in French and English.[* Google Top 100 *] http://www.edgarallanpoe.de/ Gutenberg mirror site: many translations online http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/autoren/poe.htm German Amazon: 137 book hits http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/Author=Poe,%20Edgar%20Allan/ Book forum (in English) http://de.globalnetworkofdreams.com/books/ related/edgar+allan+poe.php The Voyage of Edgar Allan Poe: Credits for a 1976 opera in English by Charles Nolte, Minneapolis http://www.operone.de/opern/edgar.html Seminar outline by Evelyne Keitel http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/phil/amerikanistik/seminarseiten/ docs/ Greek (162) Hebrew (15) Hungarian (595) "The Raven": Translation and introduction. http://www.hmg.hu/irok/szimbol/poe.htm "Ulalume" in Hungarian. http://www.zone.ee/aurin/vers/eapulalumel.html "The Raven" readings on a CD. http://www.hungaroton.hu/classic/info.php?info=1047&vez=p Italian (6,170) Horror films. including Roger Corman films, from the Verona conference.[* Google Top 100 *] http://www.horrortv.it/poe.htm Poe biography: In Italian. http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/curse/35/poe.htm Science fiction and fantasy http://www.fantascienza.com/catalogo/A0476.htm Japanese (1,680) American Literature on the Web: Outstanding general resources, in English.[* Google Top 100 *] http://www.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp/ishikawa/amlit/p/poe19ro.htm Mystery: Requires appropriate font. http://www.cityfujisawa.ne.jp/~katsurou/mystery/poe/ Poetry: Requires appropriate font. http://www.geocities.co.jp/Bookend-Ohgai/4174/poetry-log/poetry-poe.htm Gold Bug: Multilingual cipher treatment. http://www.soi.wide.ad.jp/class/20000009/slides/02/31.html Polish (1,180) Several e-texts. http://strony.wp.pl/wp/pkaducki/r_p.htm Poetry: 30 translations online. http://www.poema.art.pl/site/sub_23.html Portuguese/Brazil (3,840) Poetry: A dozen translations. http://www.comversos.com.br/gaveta/Edgar_Allan_Poe/ Ten translations online, all but one of poems. http://www.carcasse.com/letras/autor.php?autor=102 Russian (480) "The Bells": text in Russian and English. http://reading.posyo.ru/ "The Raven": Ten translations, 1878-1988. http://www.poetarium.narod.ru/poe/ Spanish (11,800) The gothic with strong graphics and reader response space.[* Google Top 100 *] http://www.nenos.com/miedo/poe.htm Terror: Listing of 25 works.[* Google Top 100 *] http://www.edgarallanpoe.galeon.com/ Virtual library: Four etexts plus an introduction. http://www.bibliotecasvirtuales.com/biblioteca/Narrativa/Poe/ Swedish (960) Biography [* Google Top 100 *] http://www.lysator.liu.se/lsff/mb-nr43/Edgar_Allan_Poe.html Bibliography of Poe's short fiction published in Sweden http://www.lysator.liu.se/~unicorn/sweden-sf/Poe,_Edgar_Allan.html |